Our Beliefs

The most basic Lutheran belief is that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, based on the Bible alone.

For Lutherans, the Bible is the ultimate authority on faith and how to live. We believe it is the inspired word of God. We look to it for understanding who God is and how he wants us to live.

A key Lutheran teaching is justification by grace through faith. This means we can never earn our salvation through good works. Salvation is a free gift from God made possible by Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection. Our good works are an expression of thanks for this gift, not something to try and earn it.

Lutherans also believe in the priesthood of all believers. This means we all have equal access to God through Christ. We all share responsibility for spreading the Good News and serving others in Christ’s name.

While upholding core beliefs, Lutherans have diversity in worship styles, music, and non-essentials. Our congregations may look a bit different, but we’re united in commitment to Bible authority and God’s grace.

If you’re new to Lutheranism, we invite you to join us and experience a Christ-centered community. We’re open to all, and we’d love to share more about our faith.

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